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Salt Lake City Eldermaster Visit

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During the 2nd Weekend in SEPTEMBER, it will be our Annual Fall Festival @ the Chinese Shao-Lin Center in SLC, Utah!

The Song Emperor Tai Zu created/invented the unique 2-Sectional Long Sweeper at the beginning of the Song Dynasty 960AD.
How it came about is that the Song Emperor specialized in the use of the long rod, and when his favorite rod broke in battle, he then repaired it with a chain, and found that it worked well against an opponent with a shield. The “Northern Long Sweeper” is regarded as a gentleman’s weapon – more to punish than to kill. Seldom found in Southern China.
(Emperor Tai Zu is also credited with developing the 3 Sectional Staff.)

All current Chinese Shao-Lin students are encouraged to join us and attend. (Don’t Miss This Explosive Kung Fu Festival!)

On Saturday, Sept. 10th, 2022 will be their Annual Black Belt PreTEST & Brown Belt/Lower Belt TEST!

Test/PreTest: 9AM
Festival: 12noon
White Belts & Above @ CSC SLC