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The Ch'ing dynasty, the last to rule China, was Manchurian. The Manchu often feared the resentment and possible revolution of the Chinese people under their rule... Historically, the warriors of the Shaolin temple provided the greatest threat, so in 1677 Manchurian troops looted and burned the original temple in Honan. While Imperial attention remained there, other Shaolin temples continued to practice and advance their martial arts in secret.

In 1875, the army of the Manchu Government marched on the Shaolin Temple in Fukien with orders to steal the treasures contained within and destroy it. Rather than let the temple fall into the Emperor's hands, the temple warriors decided to burn down the temple themselves.

One man emerged from the flames to carry on the tradition of the Shaolin Temple. This man was known as the Grandmaster.

In accordance with tradition, only one person can carry this title. Since that time, only three have. Each an ultimate practitioner of the art.

(Taken from http://www.shaolingrandmaster.com/biography)

Grandmaster Su Kong Tai Djing 

Great-Grandmaster Su Kong T'ai Djin was born in Fukien in 1849. He came to the world

Grandmaster Ie Chang Ming 

Ie Chang Ming was born in 1880. He was admitted to the Fukien Temple as a small boy.